Sunday, August 17, 2014

Wife-of-a-teacher woes

Isaac has been working for three weekends straight and almost full days each time. It gets me really stressed because he has close to no rest and I feel so pained for him. The load on his shoulders are so heavy and before you know it, his son would have arrived. 

I keep myself busy on weekdays but is pretty much on standby mode to spend pockets of time with him on weekends. This is hard because I tend to worry while trying not to trouble or disturb him. 

I wish it was easier and his workload eases up but most say this is typical of the life of a first year teacher and it gets easier.

I can only hope because I so don't want him to miss out on baby's life.

I'm also getting bigger and Somedays even doing dishes are hard. I have back and arm aches and because I still suck at spatial estimation, my tummy always gets wet. Oh and it collects toothpaste too.  I also end up with a lot of food on my tummy. It collects food I dropped while eating like a bib.

Some times when I recline on a seat or in bed, I slide down and after that have trouble getting up. Now I know how a snail feels carrying his house around and can't flip. 

Ah, all part and parcel of pregnancy. 

Can't wait for nov!!

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