Saturday, July 12, 2014

So I tried to fight the flu naturally

With extra doses of vitamin C, anti inflammatory food like ginger and just rest.

It didn't work.

A few days ago, I woke up after only two hours of sleep with intense pain. I've been averaging only two-three hours because of the pain and that day, it was exacerbated by nausea. Feeling extremely faint and weak, I went to the bathroom in an attempt to clear the phlegm from my throat and sinuses and out came blood from my nose. My first nosebleed in 30 years. It was 5 am and I had to wait another 4 hours in faint before I next saw a doctor. 

I had scary thoughts racing through my head such as: what if I faint alone at home etc..

At 9.20 am, I was at the doctor. I was already running a fever, throwing.up almost anything I ingest, including water and in sheer pain. 

I was in deep agony.

To cut the long story short, I was put on a long course of anti biotics and while the sore throat abated and allows 5 hours of sleep now, the cough still persists stubbornly. 

I'm not sure if I'm getting better and am plagued with worry. There's still a lot of phlegm and the cough disrupts my sleep. If it's even possible, I think I lost weight too. 

Ironically, I'm almost at the halfway mark of this pregnancy marathon and while some of my peers celebrate that it all went by in a"blink of an eye", I wonder how I survived and pray for strength to last the rest of the journey. 

I'm extremely exhausted and am downright tired. It feels like forever more and I am not feeling brave or particularly optimistic. My mood seems to have taken a nose dive with the lack of rest and illness I honestly want nothing but for time to pass and a healthy strong baby. 

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