Wednesday, July 06, 2005

to be or not to be?

the peril of human kindness.

i don't think people really understand how dangerous something so innocent can be. yes it is. potentially fatally dangerous and you can jolly well disrupt the work of God. imagine what would have happened if you offered food midway while the prodigal son was in the pigsty?he'd nv return to his father's house.

i wish i could tell some people that.somepeople i love who have the best intentions but have messed up things and created heaps of trouble by trying to HELP. yes, inconveniencing, creating conflicts and misunderstandings endlessly because they wanto help. i've had enough.and i've said enough. i am not even thankful for the intentions and motives behind themanymore. i find them truly bothersome irksome and irritating and i really wanto invite them OUT of my lives.but i know not how...

on the other side of the coin, neglect because of complacency or God knows wat reason is just as bad. this is just the other way of ruining a relationship.. and the middle ground can only be His wisdom alone. neglect destroys too.

its too hard to strike a balance in life alone.

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