Thursday, March 17, 2011

Puffer Fish

Had dinner with Jacq tonight in what seemed like forever. Glad we did even though it nearly didn't happen.

An hour before meeting her, I had a drink and in the 15 minutes after that drink, the left side of my face was swelling. My gums felt like I had a peanut stuck on them and my vision was obscured by the swelling under my eyes and my cheeks seemed to have grown an inch.

In the waiting room at the doc's, I was swelling faster as the minutes went by. After popping steroids and antihisthamines then did it subside. So I went for dinner AND dessert still swollen and all. We bumped into another friend who exclaimed ''what happened??!!" like 100 times in 5 minutes. I was trying not to distract all the other diners and jacq and its amazing how we got to actually catch up proper inspite of the not-so-pleasing and terribly uncomfortable sight.

And I still don't know what I was allergic to since I've had tea at this outlet like too many times in a lifetime.


Most expensive tea I ever drank. Tea $1.50 + Doctor's fee: $47=heartache.

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