Tuesday, January 11, 2005

i don't like to...

this is something pretty trivial actually and its not going to affect me anymore..after this post. nobodys prob goin to understand what i'm blabbing abt because i'm goin to be ultra cryptic but i don't care.

i hate being put in a box and made to feel like i have no choice coz i know i have perfect freedom in every area. well..its a finished work izznt it?

i understand what its like to be fearful and full of cares. but no one needs to project it out to every living thing around and make everyone live like you.

face it. no one's perfect. its not heaven here. we all need Jesus and His grace. i might not need it the same way as you do but i DO. and very much. just because no one understand does NOT mean its not real. it exists nonetheless.

it takes so much grace but praise the Lord its available to cope with so many weaknesses, infirmities etc. thank God for a bf who really supports, encourages, prays unceasingly and is not always accessible. even via the phone. well, he is super patient and long suffering. fruits of the spirit that you need to survive with gf like this.

i do not have no choice. therefore, the fact that i'm living with certain irritating inconveniences, i am going to make a concious CHOICE not to let it affect me negatively. although i always border at seriously blowing my top. all things work out for my good. i thank God anyway.

patience girl. so much patience. grace. its so tempting to feel despair..not utter but enough to think that certain situations and conditions will be persisiting for the rest of your life but well, as plausible as it sounds, and looks, for now i'll leave my hope with Jesus and hope does not disappoint.

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