Thursday, January 05, 2012

Detox my soul

Am surrounded by the world and its corrupt values that try so very often to permeate into my soul too.

I am praying that their values will not corrupt the incorruptible seed deposited and that I will have enough strength in me to reject and refuse these values.

I am adamant that people and relationships should be not measured by dollars and cents. It devalues the true worth of a person because their value is infinite and immeasurable. The worth of a single person is the Son of the most high God as it cost Him his life.

In other news, the storms of a looming retrenchment is taking shape. While it doesn't exactly fulfil the usual criteria of ''good news'', I am actually exhilarated by the thought of it and pray I won't be the last few on the list to go. I want to go with a nice compensation, when the shit hasn't hit the fan and before everyone else so I don't have to clear the mess they leave behind. It is highly likely that the regional office in SG will not survive the onslaught of reality and will move somewhere to China or HK to better service the markets there.

So in spite of the irony that there is more work coming up prior to any major shift whereby we will all be dropped off with well wishes and a goodbye, I am not going to allow myself to be stressed by work and guard my heart fervently against anxiety and stress, both age old nemesis that I have yet to have full victory over. To put things in perspective, no matter how much I stress and how long I work, there will be no appraisal because here will be no company and there will be no job and no promotion. I will continue to do my best, learn and refuse to let the job or myself kill myself over a job.

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