Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Mid day thoughts

Gripes: Cramps. Headache. And the teething. And people not replying emails.

Such common woe of earthly urban life. Just want to curl up in bed now and sleep the pain away. In the midst of the horribly mundane, I wonder where God is and what he is doing now.

Thankful to be meeting Cali tonight. We don't do this often enough. I miss the girls.

Was reading mgs forum last night and Some of the (really) old girls have seen each other through every stage of life. Graduations, marriages, some divorces, births and even deaths.

My closest friends have witnessed both my best and worst moments and we've gone through puberty, crushes, heartbreaks and the shock of adulthood together as we stand against the forces that so often try to crush our spirit and steal our joy. I hope for many more years to come and that we will march right into eternity with aplomb and grace.

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