Monday, April 18, 2011

Dark sense of foreboding

A call this late at night especially when it's coming from a land 3 hours ahead cannot be good. His family in Australia has tried to reach us at our homeline a few times, leaving messages on both our home line and his personal mobile. I tried to wake him up but he can't be woken up even at the prospect that it 'might be' urgent. On one hand, I fear that if it really isn't urgent, he'd be so furious. He has been very worn out physically and needs to get all the sleep he needs and they tend to be nocturnal and not respect normal humane rest hours. However, what if it is very urgent? What if something happened and he needs to book the first flight out? My normal pessimistic streak kicks in and I can't help imagining the worse. I've never had good news come in the form of late night calls at my HOMELINE. I hope everything is ok. I try to read the smses and they seem pretty calm for urgent messages. I might be over-reacting. As always. Let's hope it can wait till tomorrow. ** In other news, it seems like since I've made the decision to wind up the business, business has shot up. I get all sorts of orders and customer enquiries. Now now. God, please be very clear.

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