Wednesday, May 25, 2005

theres more theres more

this is the season of change for me and i'm never a fan of change. i like stability not uncertainty and i'm ashamed to admit that i just can't seem to trust God enough to rest. i like familiarity too much.way too much that i can entertain any other possibilities apart from that.

He has told me specifically about a particular change that is coming on in my life and if i am to yield to Him, everything will be all right. its a difficult decision to make. its tremendously difficult to say yes and i've sought Godly counsel, prayed endlessly and there has just been tonnes of confirmations.

so this time i'll take the plunge. and go. i can't reveal my plans yet because i fear not everyone will understand but if its God, the fruits will speak for itself.

i nv thought i'llb e in this place. sure i know its a season of change as in i'll be entering the workforce but a change on this scale? never in my wildest dreams. but apparently so.

i wish i could say more, that i can bare my heart and leave msgs here for everyone that i love so much in my life...and am so eternally grateful for. but that'll have to wait.

its a difficult period for me, inspite of the numerous blessings of late. huge financial breakthroughs, breakthroughs all over the place home and around me. my eyes are not on these blessings. i know something very good is awaiting me...and i'll march towards it.

isaiah 60:1 (amplified version)
Arise (from the depression and prostration in which circumstances have kept you-rise to a enw life!)shine ( be radiant with the glory of the Lord) for your light has come, and the glory of the Lord has risen upon you!

isaiah 62:3
You shall also be (so beautiful and prosperous as to be thought of as) a crown of glory and honor in the hand of the Lord, and a royal diadem (exceedingly beautiful) in the hand of your God.

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