Monday, November 01, 2004

oh wow!

i'm so glad that there is nothing NOTHING that the devil can do to harm me. His power has been stripped. let me explain this...i just got it last night.

i was reflecting on the past year and boy has been a year fraught with so many challenges that i nv ever imagined having to go thru. and i've seen my faith surge and dip so low it was in the negative region. its ok. it was nv abt my faith anyway. He is still faithful.

it is starting to baffle me and sink in at the same time(praise God) of the magnitude of the work of the cross. how it can endure and still have effects even this very day. and tomorrow..and to see me through all my tomorrows, in earth or in heaven 2000 years after it all first began. and how finished it really is and how i can rest. wonderful. i'm still in the midst of rediscovering His rest but thats not what i wanted to say.

yesterday He gave me an insight abt the past year. with regards to certain challenges that i had to go through and when i saw how unnecessary it was, i was almost reduced to tears. but thank God for His sweet comfort, now i've learnt and am wiser in that aspect. i saw myself in a circle...shielded. i think thats the place under the shadow of His wings. and there were darts coming in my direction. if i had stayed still, they'll jsut fall a short distance away from me, and will not be able to touch me. however, what i did was i tried to fend these evil darts away from myself and in doing so, got hurt. now u noe what is chor teng.(cantonese i think) was my middle name this u noe why He says "Be still, and know that i am God" and "stand still and see my salvation".it was written all over the bible for me. yes especially me. i could even run out of the safety of his refuge just to chase the darts away thinking in mock-heroism that my puny actions could amount to anything.

but that was seriously all the devil could do!haha..shoot in my direction. not at me. there is a distinctive difference here. His power was stripped at the cross and even if weopons are assembled against me...they shall fall for my sake!its in favourite book in the bible. and they sure wun prosper...(that u all all noe)

sometimes its jsut so humbling to get a revelation abt how stupid u really are, how u really cannot do anything to save ur own fingernails, how much u need Him.ok in my case, since i'm the least of the lot, of all u wise smart and STILL pple, all the time.

and He that first made me still keeps me alive...

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