Saturday, April 02, 2005

behold He comes

reading up so much on american foreign policy and its expanding empire despite its vehement refusals and denial that it is infact one...or whatever the definitions of 'empire' state.

this world is a hard world to keep tabs on. and the onus is on the USA simply because, there is on other suitable candidate..or is it?till the day Jesus returns i one else has the money and the heart and its sad because America has been so used to intervening despite starting out refusing to be entangled in foreign affairs. from isolationist to well..possible omniscience. she is everywhere. or so it seems. 5 global military commands.

reminds me of the time in the bible when man or rather..Israel insisted on having a king.coz apparently God alone ruling just wazznt enough. and every other nation had a human God said ok and israel had a king. then the king had so many problems and gave so many problems while trying to solve so many problems, many of which, his own. they are afterall just a group of blessed human beings. HUMAN beings. perfection is just not included in the package. there is not enough for perfection. just take a look at saul...enuff said. and here we are...a few milleniums later with history repeating itself. this is not an anti america post. but sometimes, really i feel they have no choice. the mantle is on them...or at least they think so and the whole world does not matter what they say. when a prob happens, and america is not there in 2 seconds, the world wonders aloud why why why. not enough funds..etc.its always expected to give more and of coz receive more than its own fair share of blame.

but its nice to know that america will soon be relieved of its burdens, whether perceived, self imposed or well...truly there. coz Jesus will take over completely and His return is imminient. and His rule will be perfect.

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