Saturday, March 01, 2014

Buying trends-watermelon anything.

Do you know that women reportedly bought more lipsticks during recessions and periods of financial and personal depression? It's the way of comforting themselves and feeling just that little bit of empowerment that they can still afford something when things are sliding south.

I am one of them.

I bought five. And only because of what they're named. Anyone who knows me for five minutes know that I have a weakness for watermelon. It is my all time favourite fruit. So when a lipstick that says 'fizzy watermelon', "watermelon' or anything that suggests it combines my favourite fruit and must-have make-up essential, I GRAB and run for the cashier.

Then I don't know if my clones are trying to take over my hemisphere but it is out of stock.

So I don't know what to do. I don't feel comforted or empowered. I just need a lipstick that says watermelon and tastes like watermelon. Or I can go get an actual watermelon.

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