Saturday, April 21, 2012

The simple life

My goal for the rest of the year- simplicity and to conciously trim out the frills I've grown some accustomed to misinterpret as necessities.

First step-shoes.
I don't know what's next but I suspect this list will be very long as I go about examining what constitutes "excess".

Simplicity will give me the margins and flexibility so that we will never feel trapped in jobs or if God calls us anywhere.

Beyond that, my shoes could have paid for a child's education for a year somewhere.

I cannot imagine how much more I can afford to give when I truly cut back. That said I think I'm transferring a huge part of my budget to cabs. Mrt disruptions are getting more frequent and I like to know I'm directly contributing to someone's income and just the privacy and comfort of traveling without being squeezed in a tube. For some reason I'm going to keep buses in my life while minimizing commuting by train becauses bus rides are so therapeutic (when you have a seat) and trains are just less friendly and have a close to zero seat probability.

But I digress.

The point is simplicity.

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