Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Post-easter post of gratitude

Lately, I've been noticing the following:
-In spite of trying situations, I've been more aware of the grace of God to see me through.
-I am so thankful that God hears every single one of my prayers.

For some reason, perhaps due to the fact that I generally have way more time than before and not overwhelmed by deadlines and evil people, I feel stronger. It's like after easter, the conjunctivitis cleared up and with that, the mind cleared up too. I am so thankful for His gift of life and even more so, His immense love that compelled Him to the cross and endure grotesque pain for my propitiation of sins.

There is also a joy and a lightness in my steps as I continue about the slow and daily routines. Bad news that would usually send me spiralling down a bottomless pit of gloom sends me straight to prayer instead. And I know it's almost ridiculous to say this but even after the simplest of prayers, I just feel assured of the help that I am going to get through it or that I will have the strength and wisdom from God to navigate through tricky situations.

Peace that surpasses knowledge and understanding.

I think I am finally getting a taste of it and I'm addicted.

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