Sunday, November 03, 2013

Obsessive Compulsive Disorder

Otherwise known as OCD for short.

I've been diagnosed with many things but not this but I think to some measure, I do have this affliction.

My mind loops endlessly around a problem until I have it solved. Or around a bag until I get it. Or a pair of shoes. I'm flexible on dresses though and my wardrobe's a real mess so it ain't the end of the world. Just. Yet.

I need to have all my ducks in order, figuratively speaking.

That's why I married a duck. A Quek.

Corny I know. Especially when I haven't posted anything for so long and my health is in the dumps with fancy schoomzy stomach dysplepsia but yah, I'm feeling all right now and I think it is a good enough thing to be thankful for and thankful for.

And to be documented.

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