Tuesday, November 27, 2012


How I classify them:
1) those who can pronounce my name right.
2) the rest

One of those who is very very dear to me will be relocating halfway across the globe. I always knew this day would come and no matter how long we had, it always felt like it was too soon.

It feels like I'm losing an important part of me, a tad bit of being "left behind" too. But I know and grateful for the privilege that we had each other for so long. And no matter where in the world she is, I know that part of me will be there too. Thank God for technology that will allow us to still keep in touch.

This brings me straight back to 2000 when we had to part ways for college and this left me crying for ages. There are and still will be tears but I'm strangely at peace this time round.

God really took the best for this mission.

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