Saturday, September 24, 2011


I do not know you Troy Davis but I mourn your death. I do not know for certain if you were innocent but the trial served to you failed many times over to prove your guilt.

I hope you found Jesus somewhere along your earthly sojourn and is now safe in Jesus arms.

I hope your family finds comfort and solace knowing that He who justifies has the final unequivocal say.

I hope that the justice system is repaired. No one is safe when the trial is this unfair and allows a jury to take away your life without substantial proof of your guilt.

I think we made murderers out of them even as they sought to nail the murderer in the name of upholding justice.

I am still in two minds about the death penalty but I'm definitely for a fair and just criminal justice system. Shoddy detective work be damned. A life could have possibly been robbed and sadly, I font think you're the last of many.

I'm outraged. But here I am, a single voice too many miles away and too minute to make a difference.

Rest in peace Mr Davies.

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