Thursday, December 04, 2008

for some strange disgusting reason

lately when certain random pple find out that i'm getting married, they start to display interest.

so they msg everyday with hapzard lines of insincere flattery they like to pass off as poetry. and harass me to be 'friends', 'to go out for coffee' to etc. and they bug and bug. and i never knew them. well, some i do but most i never did.

i don't know if they are salesmen or professional predators of soon-to-be-married women. whatever it is, i am no giving you my attention, time or money. i shudder to think we are living on the same planet. and even in the absence of any special someone in my life, i wouldn't consider them. that is how gross.

i turn into porcupine mode when REALLY ANNOYED.

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