Tuesday, August 03, 2004


the searing pain didn't cease until He spoke
the storm didn't calm until He awoke
my broken heart didnt mend until He showed me how deceived i was
my joy can't be full until i see His finished work on the cross

demons flee at the mention of His name
if i'd knew the real power vested in me,
i'd have done the same.
but blinded and deceived, i succumbed in defeat
until He showed me, whats under His feet

the truth if i'd known earlier,
was the source of all power
yet i let it lay dormant,
convinced that the condition was permanent

slow to believe, the word of Him who loved me perfectly
instead i trodded down the path of self-sufficiency
only to realise that the journey was leading nowhere
lost, and to end up in a state of utter despair

yet that very promise still stands true
even when i strayed and became a fool
that He would never leave nor forsake
and a way back home, for me He'll surely make

a sweet fore-taste
of His sweet amazing grace
has left me resolved, that only one thing is needful
that all else comes to nought
but to sit at the feet of Jesus Christ,
Son of the living God.

rest is truly all thats required,
to experience the victory already acquired.
zion is my final resting place and home
where i devour His joy and sweet shalom

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