Sunday, August 22, 2004


getting to church is such a challenge these days. i turned up for 4th on my own and i no queue..can go walk walk and be back in 20 mins.

20 mins later: someone told me the ticketing system starts today!and i havent got a ticket so run run and get ticket. got the ticket..thought.."still early..go walk walk somemore"

10 mins later:after toilet and careefouring, i came back and wah got such a long queue like there was NO ticketin system. of coz i joined the queue..only to realise like 45 mins later...i din hafta queue because i already got the tix. so all in all..despite being ultra confused..i got 3rd row seats. not close enuff to see pastor prince's pores but close enough to be spotted by the camera here and there and if i fall asleep...he can see.

but its all worth it. just like last weeks amazing race experience before getting to church...i believe this is the day of my breakthrough.end of chronic fatigue and alot of other health related probs. the holy communion makes more sense than ever today and im more excited abt it than ever.

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