Saturday, August 28, 2004


if i dun make sense its because i didnt get enough sleep...

if i do..praise the Lord!

today i just found my thoughts drifting to the 'romances' in the Bible and how God brought all these couples together and well..the common denominator besides God is that they all dun haf a courtship period.what i also realised with this is that in the wee hrs of the morning when u cant sleep and u've stared at ur boring readings for the past 20 minutes, you wonder abt EVERYTHING.including of coz..what to eat for lunch.

in this day and age (esp in spore)whereby they say that u cant get married even when u haf a job because u need this and that and this and that first.lets call that point B. and to get to that point B u need to get thru point ai aii aiii aiv av avi etc. its so complicated and the journey alone is arduous.

this is in such a sharp contrast to the biblical figures. they asked from God..God delivered and there was like no courtship period?they just decided and committed and there it was. i mean thats so foreign to us!we wld nv imagine that happening. we cant just trust God alone here. we need to find trial and error..and if it darzen work out..hurray!we thank God that He will 'restore' one 7 times better. i dun doubt that He does and can restore but because of this alternative that is always available. many pple..including myself have been tempted to call it quits at the first sign or second or third..of trouble.

it made me wonder what pple did back then if they encountered troubles of the same nature that we of this generation do. do they call it quits and trust God for restoration too?there definitely izznt any mention of 'breaking up' as far as i can remember. but correct me if i'm wrong coz im curious.i think like what God said to David when he went for bathsheba....the response shd be to ask Him for whateva more that we feel is lacking/not enough. i guess pple back then can do nothing much but pray. its either pray or stray lor.once decided, its pretty much two steps nearer to a covenant which you cannot break. its based so much on commitment and trust in Him.

its almost scary when i thought of that. its like..woah no way out. thats unfathomable in today's context but why do people want a way out?i know when it crosses my mind its because i can't think ofany other way around the problem. it seems huge unmanageable and its simply alot easier to give up. i look at the challenge ahead of me and before even considering bringing God into the picture, i simply decide that if its nothing i can handle, forgetit. its not worth the effort.
little did i realise..(until now) that no matter how much effort i try to overcome, i cannot. until God turns it around. He loves me too much not to bother abt any detail in my life that bothers me and if its anything remotely relatedto me, He has his attention on it and is all ready to spring into action to rectify things and set them right for me...if i'd allowed Him to.

problems are not exclusive to any relationship. its everywhere. human beings are problematic! and its been tried tested and proven. we can't handle anything on our own without God. if two people are brought together by God but chose to call it quits because they THINK they cant handle the challenge ahead, and simply move on waiting for someone else to come along...the same missle is going to strike that new relationship again. but praise be to God for with every problem challenge and doubt, He is our answer and help in time of need.

i know God can only trust me with His precious Isaac only if i trust Him with him. and vice versa. we are too precious to Him and too incapable in and of ourselves to love each other the way we wanto and the way He wants us to. and all is requiredo always is to rest and let Jesus' love be expressed thru me. if i dun rest, He can flow. i haveno choice...hallehlujah.

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