Wednesday, April 17, 2013


Right after I closed the door to one job yesterday, another came a knocking at my door today. Is the market so hot? I have never had so many job propositions without applying in such a short time. All the times I looked so hard for a job, nobody got back. 

This position is slightly more attractive. It is a maternity cover for someone but the remuneration is even more than my previous by 20%. 6 months. Maybe I can pull it off. The discussion is tomorrow. So we'll see. I don't want to be presumptuous and count my eggs before they hatched but this seems totally do-able and complies with all my conditions! I get to be mentally stimulated, not too stressed (it's a 6 month project afterall) and I still get to build my family! And did I mention they're offering 20% more? 

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