Wednesday, July 19, 2006

broken bridges

"..people don't vanish into thin air; that when you can't find someone, it's because you've been misdirected to look elsewhere"

-Jodi Picoult

" I think it is a matter of love: the more you love a memory, the stronger and stranger it is"

-Vladimir Nabokov

Is it truly possible to ever stop mourning the demise/disappearance of someone whose live and soul was so closely intertwined with yours?

I really don't have the answer. It is just a general question and it is not limited to death. Sometimes people are lost because they've moved, be it a different country or different realm. Sometimes it is heaven and hell that separates. Some separations are temporal while sadly for many many, it is eternal.

How does one deal with grief in these cases when the stark truth just confronts you so blankly and mercilessly? It is undeniable. It is not just a goodbye. It is forever. I guess even God does not know how to answer this question because He says goodbye to so many people who'd choose hell over His gift of life- Jesus Christ. I don't know how He'll ever heal and because the thought of saying that kinda goodbye is so painful for me to even imagine, it nearly drives me to go on my own 'save-the-world' rampage.

devil beware. if this impulse is strong enough,you'll soon find yourself alone in hell.

Back to where I started. I'm not expecting anyone to answer my question. Perhaps give me an insight as to how its coped with. Not that I really need to know (God forbid) but i can't help wondering these days about the same topic.

I've never dealt well with goodbyes or farewells of any sort. I empty every last drop of H2O in me whenever i have to. and sometimes, many years since a last goodbye, i still grief that separation. sometimes, its a demise of a friendship, sometimes its a demise..simply of a person who briefly crossed my path.

i cannot fathom the heartwrenching pain and the death that seeps into the hearts of those left behind. if your souls are so intertwined and yet you're torn apart, doesn't a part of you die with the demise? i guess that's why breakups and divorces take forever for some people to heal. and very often, many people never heal. coz its ripping two hearts that have been fused together apart. when you do something like that, you're not left with one whole heart but just a bloody mess of mush.

people don't stop loving just because one is gone. people love on and just have to magically allow room to be created to love someone else. its extra hard as now you only have mush to work on.this process takes God because human hands are only capable of creating heartbreak, not hearts. the memory of the gone will live on. but i guess its really up to those who are left behind to choose whether to create new memories on cling on to old ones and old ones only.

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