Saturday, July 29, 2006


disclaimer: on sat mornings, i blog a lot.

woman on the line: can i direct this to your attention?
me: why do you wanto speak to my technician?
woman on the line: no...i wanto direct this to your attention.
me: but the technicians are on the floor right it urgent?

i got it in the end. at the very end. and at two ends of the phoneline, there was one very frustrated exasperated lady and one very embarassed sheep.

it's easier to borrow someone's words to express how you feel


" it turns out that what's important is not everything that you've accumulated all these years, but those few things you can carry with you"

"you can boil your life down to a single suitcase, if you desperately have to.."

-delia hopkins

"..history is indellible. you can mask it; you can patch it smooth and clear; but you will always know what's hidden underneath"

-Fitzwilliams something (i don't know his surname)

"how little remains of the man i once was, save the memory of him!but remembering is only a new form of suffering."

-Charles Baudelaire, La Fanfarlo


because i don't seem to have my own words. because i've turned into a handicap when it comes to verbalising and articulation. because im a volcano waiting to erupt.

i feel like this stage of my life involves just gathering artillery, building myself up even when i feel utterly devoid of strength...but i still have to rely on the captain of my heart to soldier me on. isaac once said that in life"you're either preparing to be tested or tested". it's so true. i don't know what we are gearing ourselves for, neither are we actively relishing the fighter mode. we do try to enjoy life, steal time out from busy schedules together but i can't help but feel that we're heading straight for a hurricane...and if we perservere long enough, we'll get into the eye of the hurricane and there'll be peace, not just within but upon.

either way, i expect and wanto pass the test.

this period might appear in the history of my life as truly insignificant. with no particular blow ups or cotton candy skies. but it will not. i'll color it myself if i have to. pray for rain so that i'll see the rainbow.

i refuse to resign myself to the mundaneness that threatens to characterize every living day. i can't help but notice how fast time whizzes past and a strange fear grips me. i don't like to know i'm not actively living every minute and have seconds stolen from me. i wanto live each second circumspectly. i only have a 100 years more...and thats only if Jesus tarries.

i need to work hand in hand with my lord to make something out of this life that He's graced me with. that i will not be common despite being ordinary in the eyes of man. that i'll fulfil His plans and purpose and abandon mine...if they don't fuse anytime soon.

i don't like the feeling of being separate entities of the one i love. esp Jesus and isaac. and it feels especially so when our interests and wants clash and i'm tempted to walk down a separate way. (God forbid)when our interests clash, i know somehow, especially in the case of Jesus, i can't seem to make Him see my point. at least i can try to 'influence' isaac. with the dear omnipotent lord, my word of advice to anyone currently in the same shoes is 'dont even try'.

but i've learnt along the way it only pays to submit. not because fire and brimstone will rain if you don't but He already had your best interests at heart when He wrote those plans. as long as i recognize and acknowledge that often enough, i'll know for sure that truly 'nothing separates me from His love"

mei ling comes home on aug 1!!

Friday, July 28, 2006

work life so far.

you know it's more than a working relationship when they send u birthday msgs close to one year after u've left the company..

ahh.i miss my ex colleagues and boss from THE hotel.

and when i told them i'm now close to colleagueless and holding the fort alone since the rest resigned..they just go ' what?u chased them away?"

i hope you all are doing well and fine. thanks for being the best. i truly miss being part of a team.

it's been pretty lonely working alone, handling crises alone etc. somedays i lose steam being frazzled i don't even kancheong anymore. i just swallow the stress unconciously until i feel so terribly sick i wanto explode.

it's a wonderful learning experience and it'll definitely look remarkable on the resume but some company would really be good...

i feel like i've been cast out of civilization and i've resorted talking to the computer. sometimes i'm so frustrated i sing out loud and there's not even a person to hush me. i just hope there's no cctv.

Thursday, July 27, 2006

shed light

"we are not, as you'd expect, orchestrating their lives; we are not even trying for a second chance. we're hoping that if this one thing takes root, it might take up enough light and space to keep something else from developing in our children: the disappointment we've already lived"

-a parent.

Monday, July 24, 2006

the not so magical number.

its been wrong.

the past week has had me edgy and feeling angsty. maybe its part of turning 23. i don't like the sound of that. i like the sound of 17. its too early to be advancing in my twenties. i've got so much more to do and so much more i'm unsure of. please don't ask me to plan for my future. i'm sure my future is planned..just not by me. i just wanto stick to His plans in the meantime because i'm so scared. i'm so afraid when i see how blur i really can get. how stupid my decisions can be. how warped my thought life can be.

so in Your hands i lay my plans. in Your arms i rest.

there are so many answers i seek lately. haven't honestly prayed through them but i refuse vehemently to think through them knowing where my pondering leads- no where. all i know is that He loves me. He has a good plan and my birthday wish this year is just that pls give me alot alot of grace to be obedient, to do His will and truly shine as His daughter.

i've been wanted to call some friends out and pour my heart out but unfortunately, we are too busy. and all too ironically, i'm not sure if i can find the words to verbalise and make sense of everything. and usually, the mei ling who maketh sense of my crazy universe, is in a country pronounced as ''kah zaa stahn''. i don't even know the real spelling. its a mission trip and a part of me wishe di was there. i know i complain abt dirty toilets endlessly but i think nothing beats doing His work if you're equipped.

for now i'm relegated to being a partner of a few ministries here and there. and when i get a computer generated thank you note with updates abt that missionary's work...i somehow already feel like i'm part of it. and i say under my breath to the letter (as if those far away cld hear), '' one day i'll give you more''. hoping they'll hear. hoping He'll hear too.


shuxin, read this part.

ok i've more or less brought it up to my boss. he seems to think its ok. i'll be booking the tickets nxt monday. with emirates. coz i called m'sian airlines up and they were so rude to me over the phone. they literally scolded me because i asked them silly questions about transit.

so PLS PLS PLS confirm with me if the dates 28 sept to arrive is ok.

thanks for having me. i'll try not to be a nuisance and not get lost when u're in sch.

i can't wait!!we can cook and cook and eat my cooking!!(ok i know this part is less exciting but if its really horrible, we can think about those hungry pple in third world country and be thankful. den it'll be less painful)

that's about it. i'm so tired and spent. working on behalf of two people is so not easy.

turning 23 in 2.5 hours.

i need to hide under my bed.

Wednesday, July 19, 2006

broken bridges

"..people don't vanish into thin air; that when you can't find someone, it's because you've been misdirected to look elsewhere"

-Jodi Picoult

" I think it is a matter of love: the more you love a memory, the stronger and stranger it is"

-Vladimir Nabokov

Is it truly possible to ever stop mourning the demise/disappearance of someone whose live and soul was so closely intertwined with yours?

I really don't have the answer. It is just a general question and it is not limited to death. Sometimes people are lost because they've moved, be it a different country or different realm. Sometimes it is heaven and hell that separates. Some separations are temporal while sadly for many many, it is eternal.

How does one deal with grief in these cases when the stark truth just confronts you so blankly and mercilessly? It is undeniable. It is not just a goodbye. It is forever. I guess even God does not know how to answer this question because He says goodbye to so many people who'd choose hell over His gift of life- Jesus Christ. I don't know how He'll ever heal and because the thought of saying that kinda goodbye is so painful for me to even imagine, it nearly drives me to go on my own 'save-the-world' rampage.

devil beware. if this impulse is strong enough,you'll soon find yourself alone in hell.

Back to where I started. I'm not expecting anyone to answer my question. Perhaps give me an insight as to how its coped with. Not that I really need to know (God forbid) but i can't help wondering these days about the same topic.

I've never dealt well with goodbyes or farewells of any sort. I empty every last drop of H2O in me whenever i have to. and sometimes, many years since a last goodbye, i still grief that separation. sometimes, its a demise of a friendship, sometimes its a demise..simply of a person who briefly crossed my path.

i cannot fathom the heartwrenching pain and the death that seeps into the hearts of those left behind. if your souls are so intertwined and yet you're torn apart, doesn't a part of you die with the demise? i guess that's why breakups and divorces take forever for some people to heal. and very often, many people never heal. coz its ripping two hearts that have been fused together apart. when you do something like that, you're not left with one whole heart but just a bloody mess of mush.

people don't stop loving just because one is gone. people love on and just have to magically allow room to be created to love someone else. its extra hard as now you only have mush to work on.this process takes God because human hands are only capable of creating heartbreak, not hearts. the memory of the gone will live on. but i guess its really up to those who are left behind to choose whether to create new memories on cling on to old ones and old ones only.

Tuesday, July 18, 2006


i'm on mc and trying my best to rest and not think about the work awaiting me.

obviously, i'm having great difficulty.

i live my life vicariously through books and tv dramas. i usually try to steer clear of weepies because i know it gets too much out of me (to the point that i dehydrate from crying) . so yesterday, as i approached the final chapters of the book, i realised it was gg to be a real sob ending. i had no clue, no warning prior to this and this is an author who has been acclaimed to finish his endings off beautifully with great inspiration.

i felt betrayed at the tragedy that awaited and how quickly it was finished off. shoddily. i was so upset but it didn't stop me from bawling my eyes out. so today, i'm still sick and i have ugly swollen eyes to go with the complete sick look. yay. actually i sobbed so hard i oso ended up nearly throwing up and choking. so i'm actually sicker than before and uglier too.

i have nothing else to say. except that i''m still trying not to think about work and try my best to rest.

Sunday, July 09, 2006

pictures of julian's wedding are found in flickr. pls don't ask me to upload it here. very mafan.

i just love you for you.

duckobell this year was extra eventful.

we didn't get anytime alone together but it was well spent. we'll celebrate on our own another day.yesterday we had a wonderful opportunity to sow into the marriage of our beloved friend and brother who got married! it was so beautiful and i can't believe that we're finally seeing it happen. i really believe that its no coincidence that we were able to sow into a marriage on the same day we turned 3.

i even prayed that i'd be more than satisfied if God gave me a wedding half as glorious. darzen even have to be in a 5star hotel with a banquet. and after i said this prayer i honestly thought i heard Him say 'NO ' to my request. and of coz i was about to scream back 'GET THEE BEHIND ME SATAN!!" but when i heard the reply, i nearly broke down there and then coz my beloved Father reminded me that He'll never accede to my request when i ask for less, only more.


halfway through the wedding i felt an incredible surge of love towards isaac. (oops) i realized that somewhere along the way, i started to nitpick about too many things. about him not being romantic enough, spontaneous enough and alll too woodblockish. and i forgot to celebrate the qualities tt drew me to him in the first place. i forgot to celebrate the spontaneity of our relationship and how it was birthed. i forgot to celebrate the presence of Jesus in our relationship and instead i directedmy attention to the absence of many many other insignificant things.

my priorities got messed up somewhere along the way and i forgot how it felt like to be the most blessed girl in the world just because i'm his. watching julian cry when michelle officially became mrs yang made me realise how wonderful and how great a miracle it is to be able to be with the one you love themost. it takes so much just for that to happen. infact, it takes God. thats why 'star-crossed' lovers can never be together no matter how much they try and how some unions just fall into place nothing can tear them apart.

i had such a surge of gratitude towards Jesus for authorizing and beginning this relationship. because isaac is truly everything i ever wanted ..and slightly more. (okthe woodblock part is can go but i'm praying it slowly chips away) i used to think his blurness was CUTE then after that it jsut got so much on my nerves it made me scream in frustration. and he had to adjust to all these changes in my attitude. while i used to accept him just as he was, i later tried to change him. and all this while, he only tried to change for me, never demanded once that i did the same for him even though i honestly could be more.

i once saidin a post so long ago that i truly value acceptance. acceptance from my friends that i cancome to them just as i am, ungroomed, blur, chor lor and loud. but little did i realize i cheapened and neglected his unconditional acceptance and love for me. (although he did briefly mention that i was prettier when i presented myself to be of more 'marriageable quality')

the wedding yesterday jolted me from all that. as i stole a glance at my husband-to-be, i remembered exactly why i wanted to marry him and still do. why i wanted to spend the rest of my life with him and still do. how despite being the only one who can drive me to tears, he is also perhaps the only one who can truly make me happy.

i'll forever thank God for the day that isaac's name was written in the book of life, foreverthank God for then bringing him into my life. i'll celebrate our salvations, and truly rejoice always. just as paul advocated.

thank you Jesus.

thank you darling.

only God knows how much i truly love you, thats why He didn't allow me to forget you and us.

Wednesday, July 05, 2006

IPO day

me: hey you're gg too fast!
friend: don't worry....this car is quite sturdy. it has airbags.
me: i don't plan to use them!?!

it went something like that...

me: okok i wanto go to the great ocean road when i go over!
she offered to drive.
i told her that i don't want to wake up from a long drive to find myself in the water. she corrected me by saying, " oh'll just find yourself in heaven"


Monday, July 03, 2006


only today i realised that i actually have to OK the comments for them to be posted.

now blogger is behaving like friendster.

don't know who is that idiot who went to change the settings for me (although i suspect its yours truly)

so finally now the comments can be seen. but of coz, me being me, i accidentally deleted some of the comments lah so yah back to square one. so i'm sorry to those whose comments disappeared. your friend here is not bill gates. i have an aura that causes technology to fail.

so yes, thanks for letting me know that this is not a soliloquy.

a vote of confidence please.

me: boss, i need to apply leave in august
boss: what for?
me: oh i got driving test
boss: what date is it again?
me: aug 4th.
boss : ok thanks for telling me.i'll avoid the roads then.
me: =(

boss to another colleague: i won't be coming in on jul 10th.
colleague: oh ok. why?
boss: coz i need to avoid her-points to me-thats the day she got driving test rite?so i can't drive lor.
colleague: nono.hers is in aug. you can still drive in july.
me: !?!?

they couldn't have known. they couldnt have known that i stopped for birds on the road, take 10 minutes to change lanes, miss the red light, scream when i turn, stop breathing when i park.

unless my instructor has been an informant.

this phenomenon puzzles me. until i realised they deduced my credibility as a driver from how often i bang into walls, walk into doors and trip over imaginary pop up objects.

Saturday, July 01, 2006

don't look too closely at me.

feels as if someone has put a magnifying glass on me and i feel scruntinised.

and no im not exactly excited because someone is finally going to see the Jesus embedded in me. i feel as if my faults and weaknesses are coming out in full glory this season instead. feel so weak and decrepit. [insert: His strength is made perfect in my weaknesses] and the worst of all...useless. i truly have nothing to boast about (never had the money the looks or the smarts anyway) but now its slapping me in the face. that somehow i'm reallly realllly nothing!! apart from Jesus, i'm truly empty in every sense of the word! i need mercy just to get through a single work day with my blunders at all.

i shy away coz i know that if anyone were to look closely enough, have a sharp enough eyesight, they'd see that i'm really not that special. that i'm actually almost inferior, just well disguised. these days, i cling on to Jesus and my heart really drops to my toes when i realised that i made the same blunder so many times in a row. i spend a considerable amount of time rectifying my mistakes and it does not feel good. at all.

my superiors and bosses are wonderful and been showing me great mercy and grace. so the more i wanto be good and efficient, the more frustrated i become coz its so difficult the exorcise the sotong that lives in me!

maybe i'm too impatient as i'm still at the teething stage anyway. but i can't help but wonder...what good am i really am to God? i'm not an asset in His kingdom i know. i know He took me in sheerly out of His grace and love and i'm undeserving. but if this exemplifies to many others that God does not take people in based on the criteria of how 'useful' they're gg to be but out of grace and mercy, then i guess i'd have served my purpose on earth.

there are so many dreams that i have in my heart. for Him that includes me. but right now i feel so limited and restricted by the impossibilites that are laughing in my face. however, it does not take great courage and faith to laugh back at them because i see Jesus doing just that. apart of me is still hanging on wondering and excited at how Jesus will use me and fulfil His specific word: God will use the foolish to confound the mighty.

i used to think, if people knew God's heart towards me and how He sees me , they wouldn't treat me the way they do. (ie. nastily)(i haven't always been kind myself)

yesterday it dawned on me. if i truly believed God's heart towards me and how He sees me, i wouldn't have held it against them. coz i've escaped the pardon myself by a close shave and thus, who am i to impose it on others?

if i truly saw myself as the righteousness of God and a priest and king in His kingdom, would i really care abt things as small as ...THEM?(ok there i go again. the nasty bug). no, these things wouldn't bother me coz i'd have no time for these. i'd be busy over Him instead and His glory and advancing and furthering His kingdom.

God has some major refocusing to do in this lamb. lost. as . usual.