(i had alot of trouble balancing that lousy mortar board)
in light of the recent events, i have come to cherish the people i love alot more. at least i hope so. i don't necessarily have a chance to express it but i really do.
i don't know how they manage to find grace to stay in my life even after they've seen the ugliest of me. the worst and still love me. but i know its truly a testament of how much God loves me. i've had some aid recently recounting the colorful memories we had together (esp the days in MGS)and boy am i thankful i led a life so colorful because of the wondrous gems i have.
i don't know how i can laugh and cry harder with anyone except with them and totally be myself. or at least try not to conceal what i really am. thank you so much. i wish they are reading this. i can't replace these people in my life..especially one. since sec 1.
i never thought we'd be the firm friends and staunch eating kakis that we are today but here we are and more to come. i never thought our friendship could survive the change of class in sec 2...yes this was really my confidence level in our friendship but God has truly proven himself faithful. she truly grew up with me or rather..watched me grow up. she befriended me when no one took the slightest notice of me. in a myriad of drop dead gorgeous girls, i easily faded into oblivion and stood out because haha..i was far from ordinary.i was erm..extraordinary in a not so nice way. God put me right smack infront of her and i was painfully shy and despite having a thousand reservations (i think its about a 1000++) she became my friend.eventhough i did uncool things like collect phonecards. even when...there are too many 'even whens'.
even when i was truly in despair. and when the darkness is too overwhelming, because of her, i knew i was never truly alone. somehow, light even broke through because of the light that lives in her.
of coz there are many many more that my beloved savior have since added into my life. from church and of coz isaac quek. and a shoutout to those from the stoneage..namely annabelle and adelene...thanks for growing up with me.now go your way...i love you two.but im staying at 21.go ahead and grow old. go gogo.
i must be so blessed. i must be so loved.inspite of me.
thank you Jesus.
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