it will never be the same
he belongs to my firm friend of what must be 10 years now.
i've grown to love him in my own unique way. and somehow he ended up being my pet topic with many..old and new friends alike. as if he was mine sometimes.
i would talk endlessly about his queer habits and often jibed him for all his quirkiness.
he was a unique dog and unique in this case is just a euphemism for queer and weird. =) i remember being so scared of him.because he drools so much. because i thought he was growling at me when he was yawning. but i've grown to find him so endearing. and now that hez gone, its hard to stomach that i'll nv see him again. nv scream.. when he yawns again. nv. coz he has gone to sleep for good.
he made me laughso hard sometimes i'd cry. because he is such an undog dog. because he'd walk on wet paint and then leave his little cute paw prints all around the parquet floor.
there are so many memories despite never having been mine. even though some of the accounts are second hand...it seemed that he'd be there to watch us girls get married and have kids and still play with our kids.
HE ADDED COLOR TO MY LIFE and this is how....
i laughed at him endlessly at the fact that he was hard of hearing and would respond to anything that rhymes with 'gy'. His name is rocky but he'd respond if you called him piggy.
he'd come running everytime there's food.i don't think i've known a greedier dog than him.and the time he swallowed the hot dog bun at a go and nearly choke
he'd share his food with birds and cats...and even the scary big dog nxt door.because he was such a coward.
he's scared of cats and chases birds. a dog who really doesn't behave like one.
he looks like a toy alsatian. so small even for his age.
he'd try to hard to seduce the neighbourhood bitches who are more often than not...many times his size.and how he always failed.
he'd drink water from the toiletbowl i was afraid to forget ever not to flush.
gah.goodbye rocky. now that u're in heaven i hope you can read this post. i really wanted to come over to say goodbye.
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