Thursday, November 13, 2014


I wanto run away with my child. No one will miss me although if they were ever scared about losing me, then maybe they should be nicer. 

I wish it's just him and me. It won't be easy but well, here we are held hostage by a physically and emotionally absent daddy who has enough eq to allow our maid to power play against us when she was hired to help us.

VillainiZed me infront of her when she already had disrespect for me despite me paying her salary. Said his heart is no longer here. I already knew

I have no confidence at all that this marriage will work out.

Don't want to fight when nate is around. Want nate well. Need a job and help. 

And even though we are desperate, we are not accepting volunteers to be his father. It's a single parent job. 

Sorry nate, I failed you. Already a

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