Thursday, August 21, 2014

2nd trimester thoughts so far

Someday I'm going to do a post on all the pregnancy symptoms I've had because some are actually..strange and uncommon. *reminder to self*

Now by the grace and faithfulness of God, we are almost at the tail end of my second trimester. I have two weeks more to go. I always read that the this period is likened to be the honeymoon period of pregnancy and I've been trying to do so much before energy wanes during third and last trimester.

Today I realised otherwise. I went out with Mei ling and Annabelle with their two lovely kids and came home completely pooped. My waist, back and calves were aching. I could barely reach down to the lower drawer of my refrigerator while seated. I ate so much to replenish energy but shortly after I got home, I kinda fell asleep. I say "kinda" because I was so uncomfortable I had trouble sleeping. Same for last night and I thought I'd sleep in but the noise from the morning woke me up. Usually I can survive well with little sleep but today, I am starting to feel the difference.

There are theories and studies to show that pregnant women shouldn't lie flat from their second tri onwards and I tried so hard to lie on my left (the recommended side) but it is so hard. I literally spent hours shifting and feel most comfortable on my back, albeit not for long. After awhile, your body tells you you have to move. No need for any professional or website because my legs threaten to cramp.

In short, my second trimester period was considerably short. I puked almost all the way through this whole journey of pregnancy so far and I'm already starting to feel third trimester fatigue. I am not complaining and feeling utterly cheated because I feel so so blessed to be pregnant. The most difficult part is still the crazy moods that I get from the hormones but though the physical part is torturous and cannot be undermined, they don't traumatise me as much as the fears and anxieties.

I think I will miss going out and hanging out with my friends A LOT. They have been a great blessing and help in quelling my fears, sending comfort and just keeping me sane. They make me laugh. I still have plans even two weeks in advance and I hope I am able to keep them because even walking to the train station 5 minutes away is starting to feel like a real marathon, especially when the weather is unforgiving.

Praying for more grace as I approach the finish line!

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