Sunday, February 23, 2014

Appreciating my husband

Yesterday, when I opened the door to see a tired husband panting, perspiring profusely and having MY BAG slung around him, I was won over.

It is, I think the most dashing picture I have of him in my mind.

You see, I bought this bag online and because we weren't around to collect it when it was being delivered, we had to pick it up from the post office by a particular deadline. On saturdays, post offices close at 1 pm and had to rush over on his bike to get my stash.

He didn't know he was collecting a BRIGHT purple suede bag. When he received the ginormous monstrosity of a parcel, he had to rip open the parcel and just sling it around him and ride back because there was just no way he could fit that onto his bike. I was so touched! He must have looked so silly to a thousand and one on lookers but to me, that was my knight in shining armour.

For something as frivolous as a suede bag.

For me.

Unfortunately, we had to let him into the house before he fainted from the heat so there was no time to take a picture of that special moment.

It's etched in my mind though.


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