Probably the best word I can come up with to describe the day.
Exhausted to say the least. Nothing I didn't expect. I hate being so confused. I need God to straighten out my thoughts and make my paths straight. From my perspective now, they are meandering with the topography of the Himalayas. It is a rough ascent and I don't know if there's enough stamina in me.
Besides a cathartic release and to get my thoughts in order, one reason I'm blogging is also my way to resist online shopping. It's becoming a disease. The compulsive need to buy. I can be so dressed up anytime with the selection I have in my wardrobe, accessories collection and make up stash with no where to go. Sounds tragic.
Buying is therapeutic. It takes my mind off the heavy matters and as I browse through the pretty things that claim to have the potential to make me prettier, I have hope. Until I receive the credit card bill and fall over backwards. Online shopping is even more insidious and hence more evil, IMHO. You don't receive the goods immediately so sometimes, I forget that I've bought a certain something and when out in the brick and mortar stores and needing that item, I purchase it. THEN it appears in the mail 3 days later and tadah....flea market anybody?
The weekend is here but too short. I feel like I need more time to build my marriage with the husband having endured so much stress. We need a breather to reconnect and just talk again. Yet, we have so many limitations. Time, finances and energy. How do others do it? I wonder. Or is it just me? Especially in stressful Singapore. Please let me know if you have any answers.
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