yes. here. AGAIN. 3rd time in 2 months?
The receptionist at the hotel is almost startled to see me. I can find my way to the supermarket in the dark and I'm all too familiar with Schipol airport.
Am glad this is the last work trip of 2011! Gosh, how fast the year flew and what a year!
It's been a year dichotomised by very high highs and valley lows. I am thankful that through it all He walked with me and I think that is the most anyone can really ask for. Such sweet comfort and delight. What a huge deal it is too to have the king of kings walk alongside the dinginess and darkness of depression when I had nary a clue whether I would ever reach the peak to see the promised land that He has ordained for me.
Although I'm not entirely there and somedays are still treacherous terrain with little strength within, I am more confident today than I was a year ago. Not of myself but of His faithfulness and love to carry me through it all.
Had a wonderful time resting in the hotel, chatting with friends and husband while waiting for colleague to arrive. I previously entertained thoughts of museum visiting since I had the hours to spare. Previously, coming to Europe was such a big deal I squeezed in every available second with sightseeing. Now, I'm just thankful to get some alone time and rest in a comfortable bed. Besides, I've also visited the museums before (except Van Gogh) but the last I checked, it is not like they added anything to Anne Frank's house since world war 2 ended.
I would love to walk along the canals too but it costs me 25 euros to get there and it's just too cold. After the series of flashfloods in SG, I didn't feel like braving another storm lest I get caught in one here. Amsterdam is afterall rainy and dreary and God forbid it floods/storms here.
Tomorrow will be a packed day for meetings including my first townhall meeting! I have a major zit outbreak so I look even more like I'm 13 but I can't wait to get it over and done with so I can go home and be with my hubby wubby and friends!
God, give me grace and heal my zits! Help me not to get impatient and the pace here and annoyed at random people.
Fill me up with so much joy of your salvation I overflow !
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