Tuesday, January 19, 2010

光良 - 少年

Although I don't totally understand every word of this song, it somehow reasonates in me.

Somehow, I think I respected myself more in my youth. It's almost like I was a more 'honorable' person then. Some thought I was brash but it just meant that I don't mince my words. Some thought I was stubborn but that same vehement refusal to compromise has saved me alot of heartache and reaped plenty of good for me. Some thought I was constantly living in rebellion, against social norms, corrupt authority perhaps. In spite of the angst, I managed to retain some semblance of innocence and genuinely believed in people until otherwise proven wrong.

I wonder how much of all that remains now.


Me, myself, and I said...

The other guy with guang liang is Gary cao ge! :)

little ewe lamb of God said...

...ok. they both sang well lah.