we all want beauty that can be seen. beauty that will possibly provoke envy, beauty that can turn heads. we want to look like a dream when we twirl in dresses.
but how about a beauty that can be felt? a beauty that may not turn heads but may turn the prodigals back home. a beauty that exudes goodness and evokes repentance. this might be way more accessible and far more eternal that the seen, which is all but temporary.
than we can skip the fad diets and live with our fat arms.
it may be hard for me to ever truly receive a compliment because i tend to brush it aside and let it fly over my head. i cannot ingest it fully and humbly receive because i doubt its authenticity at times. i'd also rather deny it because it is just so hard to believe because a false image of self is so well entrenched despite being taught well.
so thank God for isaac's one liner out of the blue today that reached so far down into an aching place i forgot existed. it's a dungeon for the soul.
"you don't have to be perfect to be loved'.
so there, with my failings and all, he is still around. Jesus really loves me through this man and demonstrates His everlasting mercies and kindness towards me through this vessel.
thank you.
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