Wednesday, May 28, 2008


The Lord has to divorce me from disappointed hope and help me to transcend above the pitfalls of despair to trust again. I admit my doubt and unbelief and I lay them at the foot of the cross. (and not take them back)I've struggled and crucified them a thousand times over and have no victory. I handing it over now for Him to enforce Hisvictory, their defeat over my soul.

Reclaim me for Yourself only Lord and consecrate me for Your purposes.

The distractions and trappings of wealth are very real but I know He understands and doesn't despise my weaknesses.

Sever the memory and tauntings of a history that included a time of seeming unanswered prayer and restore and baptize me again in simple childlike trust and faith.

For nothing else inherits and accesses Him more than a child like faith. And that is what I want. To please Him

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