there are many ridiculously tiny skinny brides whose gowns i can't fit.
mei ling was very worried (for herself) when she couldn't zip me up. but don't worry, i'm still eating healthily.
had two voices and sometimes three voices debating which dress i shd pick and wear. at the end , aftr 3 hrs, we finally reached consensus and i was so relieved. and i actually really like it too! thanks =)
my friends and mum also found out to their horror how obiang isaacs taste was. we can't quite decide if it was pure bad taste or if he just wants to uglify me so that no one will ever want me but him.
in mei ling's words, he always pick out the ugliest in the rack/page. this comment does wonders for my self esteem. i wonder ifhis bad taste brought him to me....
but lah dee dah. i'm happy. except that i tried on so many i can't quite remember what the selected looks like.
and bumped into the owner joey and chris. who completely didn't recognize me. she called me up later to say that she told her staff to alert her when i arrive and they didn't. shez the sweetest, alwaysthrowing in free things for us and we really feel an affinity with her.
we arranged to meet up the next time i swing by. in the meantime, the photoshoots set for 6 june.
here comes the bride!*skips and twirls! and lands on the ground gracefully*
OMG Isaac reads this right? Can you not post in public bad things I say about people?!
We did both like the purple ribbon gown... but that's just because I like ribbons, not a reflection of similar tastes. =\
(Sorry Isaac!)
omg i am a lousy friend. :( how come i didn't know that you had gown fitting? :| bah.
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