shuxin's trying to change me in 8 days.
she thinks i'm too small and unhealthy coz all i eat is junk and i don't even exercise.
so if i go back even skinnier because i refuse to eat the food she tries to feed me, please tie some weights or i'll fly off.
its been pretty awesome here. a personal retreat of sorts. been out visiting her friends for dinners and had nice fellowship.
sunday saw me going to two churches having wonderful spirit filled experiences in the lordand meeting up with even more believers.
jon, if u're reading this i met alot of your friends. and they're really sweet. i wish i brought gifts but now u'll just have to help me convey the msgs.
also went around town on my own. yes, i only got slightly lost. the incidence of that happening is already alot less than previous years so yah..improvement is really good.
didn't do much touristy stuff this time so there was not much pictures to take except pictures of me with people and me doing the stuff we do here..such as...
baking at 10pm. only to realise we don't have eggs at 1030 and driving to the supermarket to pick up the eggs and bake all the way to 4 am.
will post pics ofmy creations really soon. cherished pictures because its the only and last time u'll fidn me baking.its too tiring. we brought it to church the next day and 4 boys ate it dutifully. for that, i'm thankful. was saying that if the review was market value will finally surge after being stagnant for so many years. wish i cld send the products over for isaac's tastebuds but oh well.
we also went out in the cold dark night and laid on the grass to admire the stars. and freeze myself.yes...the fat burning proceess really accelerated in the cold cozmy jeans are now loose. pray for me. that the wind doesn't blow too hard....then shuxin insisted we walked illegally across the traintracks and the super kiasi me who doesn't even usually jaywalk did just that. inthe dark when i cld possibly have tripped over gravel and fell.
thats about it so far.
update again soon.
missing you all.
[heard its been raining back in sg. its really warm here int he day when its not supposed to be.sorry...i brought the sunshine over.]
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