so well written. so true. so simple.
the following by Oswald Chambers..
" If Jesus had gone to heaven directly from the Mount of transfiguration, he would have gone alone. ...But he turned His back on the glory, and came down from the mountain to identifyHimself with fallen humanity"
i think we don't seem to pay enough attention to the distinction between Son of God and Son of Man. afterall, its the same person. its two entirely different titles but we don't see the significance. and too little emphasis has been placed on that. at least that's how i feel.
as Son of Man, He limited His power to that of a mere human and came to relate to all our weaknesses and frustrations of living in this fallen and wretched world as a result of an estrangement from our maker because of sin. there was true identification and as He rose from the cross as Son of Man to Son of God...He arose in full power and yet having been fully human allowed us to rise with Him in this power and be joint heirs in Christ with Him. If He'd just remained Son of God, i can't help but think that the intimacy we enjoy now with the essence of heaven would still be absent.
thanks for not going up alone at the Mount of Transfiguration. Thanks for choosing the open door of the cross instead and keeping it open even till today so that all of mankind can join You, not just in heavenly citizenship but as sons and daughters and partakers of Your divine nature.
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