Monday, September 05, 2005


i miss my friends.i mean my normal sane friends or at least the insane ones whose company i enjoy..because you make me feel sane.

haha.and those who make me feel less like a glutton because u eat more than me.or at least on par.(HELLO MEI LING!HELLO PAM!)

i miss alot of ppl..ppl that i care about. pls call me if u think i care abt u. if u call me and i dun care abt u, pls allow me to break the news to you that i don't care abt u.sorry ah. (Im really kidding!)-i wish-

i can't speak much abt how it really is now. sometimes i'm jubilant and floating with hope, other times, i'm weighed down by ...cares. people and etc. sometimes i just need to reorientate and focus again and hang out with people who love me. and stop trying to be everybody's superhero girl.

but im relishing my time spending time with my favourite ones...and favorite ONE. i'm really enjoying His company and love and adoration and blessings. and i know i am not one who is concious abt it consistently and every state of my life and i break his heart being otherwise...

alot of promises are coming to past. but theres so much more im awaiting.
i really like to sing, i am just not so sure if i like to be heard....
im really a different girl today. pls get to know me again and stop presuming assuming and incarcerating me in your little box.

i'm re-liking human beings. real ones.

my friends computer crashed while trying to update me in his address book. apparently the power of my name "scares all things electronic into submission" if i may quote him.

at present, his address book just insists i don't exist and my info is stored under a name called 'pariah'.

I say, that lousy add book deserves to crash.hmph.pariah your head!
when im more coherent, i'll try writing again.


1 comment:

Laughingcow said...

You did not just call me a glutton on public domain... =\