Sunday, June 26, 2005


so much has happened in the past two weeks since i've been back. but nothing really worthy of documenting until now. relatively good journey until last friday. i think thats really the turning point of my life.

on friday life really stepped up to a whole new level. i thought that its been relatively good and i've been enjoying quite a good walk with the Lord on my own. infact just when i thought it has never been better friday upstaged it all. i can only say this much because i really can't put it down in words. besides, its way too personal. actually it all happened during the commercial break while watching cold case when He spoke to me and unraveled so much and i felt like.."my life is really starting now". yes..moreof such milestones to come and i know this wun be the only moment whereby i think to myself.."wow..lifeis really starting now!" but this is truly a new level of life that i have never experienced before. maybe i caught glimpses of it here and there but never like this before. of coz i am exhilarated and i can repeat myself 10000 times over and still feel the same excitement and joy. its a liberation like never before and theres only God to thank.

i feel like a whole new person. i vaguely remember the times whereby i felt so thrilled to get a material blessing when i trusted God..and it did happen so many times(even when i don't think much of it or prayed at all)..been blessed with things i cannot afford in the natural. somehow all that changed and no matter how much i had, what expensive gifts i received which i knew i wanted...i was searching for somethingmore. i no longer relish the 5 second joy that i get from receiving something so miraculously. the 'life an dlife more abundantly' had to be much more than this and now i'm on the tip of the iceberg uncovering more. but at least im on the iceberg!and thats a milestone by itself. the gifts still fall from nowhere as tokens of His love but at the end of the day..they are just TOKENS. i came to a place whereby my room/wardrobe is bursting but i'm all dry and empty and all ready to catch fire. like a dry twig. a gift spree can only make me happy for that long and at the end of the day, there's still life to face and love to give and receive and i need more than that to sustain me. oh no don't get me wrong, don't withhold the wonderful gifts but i'm on to something new. CANAAN maybe.i need more than that and because i'm entitled to a relationship with the living God who calls me HIS OWN CHILD..i am going to find it all and have it all. maybe it'll take a lifetime but its ok. i'm all for it. life really took on a new focus and dimension. and this is just a little gist of it. there is so much more i can'tblog about.

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