so much has happened and i've been sooooo highly strung.
behaving like a lamb who can stand on TWO legs and sometimes, on her head or tail when i desperately need to be carried on His shoulders just to make it through a day.
somuch has been demanded of me of late and its not been easy but because i've been taking it out so hard on myself forgetting that its all been DONE and that i have a wonderful help available all the time, its been more than hard. its been back breaking and just painful.
benny hinn on saturday was like never before. i was nursing a strange cold and had many deadlines to meet but i managed to go down at 1 for a 4pm service only to have the queue out in the sun and more than half of the stadium filled already. witnessed alot of miracles but and the presence of the Lord really saturated that place. but i'm getting increasingly less surprised although it nv fails to hearten me how Good He really is. i saw deaf ears open and an old man wheeled literally come back tolife when hours before, he was in ICU among many other things.
benny hinn thinks its the one service in southeast asia whereby hez experienced the most of God, i think otherwise. i'm so blessed to be in this church whereby we receive by grace through faith and we don't necessarily have to wait for such a mighty move of the spirit whereby one man's gifts of the spirit are operated. theres a surer way but glory be to God for this anyhows. it was awesome and i really trembled and was super in awe. i can't believe...that at the end of the day, i can still call Him abba. and HE IS THE ONE responsible for all all that.=) so relieved.
i also just booked my plane tix and made my hotel reservations. some stuff cropped up immediately after that that we nearly had to scrap plans as we cant get tix on other flights but oh well God is good an dibelieve that everything is ok and we're going as planned and going to have an awesome and swell time. this is not the first time i'm heading for melb and sydney and this is definitely not the first time to the land of aust but i'm excited coz its with my beloved cousin this time. its family. shez the sister i never had and really He made this so possiblewith His generous cousin might be migrating and this might be the first and last chance so ...praise God.
prob have to head back to my work for now but i'm more than happy now. theres so much peace in my heart and rest for the first time in wat seems like a long time coz i've been subjecting myself to so much torture by trying to perform. i nv seem to learn but His patience nv seems to waver and His grace nv seems to end. so there ..its still good.
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