Friday, October 01, 2004


so happy today.despite not having enough sleep..enough money in my wallet because i conveniently forgot to draw money and atms all seem to be invisible today...and having a leander tutorial.(its a dreaded history tut by a masters student who thinks hez master and we ..slaves)

i did end up celebrating the end of tut by buying the most expensive nasi lemak ever at the reputed fong seng that is actually myonly choice because chong pang was closed. and i did go home and get a good rest after that and found myself sleepwalkingto church some hours later.
and the church part did it all. i felt like God was speaking to me and me alone. i feel so light and flighty now. i am just plain ecstatic even though its sat tmr and work awaits me. even though i'm getting sleepier as i type. even though......i celebrate even though my eyes don't see what they wanto see.


i am in the land of rest.

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